English Pocket Opera tour of Bosnia

Who English Pocket Opera tour of Bosnia When Tuesday, November 3, 2015 8:00pm - All Ages Where Muzicki Centar Pavarotti (map) Marsala Tita 179 88000 Mostar Bosnia and Herezegovina Mostar, Bosnia and Herezegovina « Back to the...

English Pocket Opera tour of Bosnia

Who English Pocket Opera tour of Bosnia When Monday, November 2, 2015 8:00pm - All Ages Where Muzicki Centar Pavarotti (map) Marsala Tita 179 88000 Mostar Bosnia and Herezegovina Mostar, Bosnia and Herezegovina « Back to the...

Sylla in Ulla’s Odyssey

We’ve had our first preview of Ulla’s Odyssey on Sunday to a sold-out crowd! Production photographs to follow soon, but in the meantime, please enjoy a few photos of our final rehearsals in Brixton, courtesy of Christopher Tribble.  And to purchase tickets...

Rehearsals begin: Ulla’s Odyssey

We have finished our first two weeks of rehearsals for Ulla’s Odyssey, working in a great new studio space in Brixton. All the blocking is in, and our sitzprobe is on Monday near the Bank of England. We’ve had working sessions with professional puppeteer...
Pamela Hay Soprano