Soloist in Paisley Abbey

Had a wonderful time in Paisley Abbey singing the solo aria in Duruflé’s Requiem mass. It’s one of my favourite works, and the choir sounded glorious. Very honoured to be a part of it. 

Featured at the Freud Museum

I am delighted to be featured at London’s Freud Museum his month. Michelle Williams Gamaker’s beautiful film, The Fruit is There to be Eaten, is featured as part of their Solitary Pleasures exhibition, and excerpts featuring my solo arias can be heard in the beautiful...

Soloist, Duruflé Requiem

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be singing in the beautiful Paisley Abbey on 4th March, as soloist in the Duruflé Requiem. The orchestra will be conducted by George McPhee. Looking forward to appearing in this distinguished venue, please see my events...
Pamela Hay Soprano