Juliet in Bosnia

Juliet in Bosnia

We’ve returned from Bosnia with our production of Romeo and Juliet, and the trip was utterly inspiring. The children worked so hard at their parts and sang with such beauty. Furthermore, to see the two sides of the river in Mostar come together to represent the...

Juliet in Romeo and Juliet

Who Juliet in Romeo and Juliet When Wednesday, June 13, 2018 7:00pm - All Ages Where Muzicki Centar Pavarotti (map) Marsala Tita 179 88000 Mostar Bosnia and Herezegovina Mostar, Bosnia and Herezegovina « Back to the...

Juliet in Romeo and Juliet

Who Juliet in Romeo and Juliet When Tuesday, June 12, 2018 7:00pm - All Ages Where Muzicki Centar Pavarotti (map) Marsala Tita 179 88000 Mostar Bosnia and Herezegovina Mostar, Bosnia and Herezegovina « Back to the...
Pamela Hay Soprano