Micaela in Carmen

Who Micaela in Carmen When Wednesday, June 26, 2019 7:00pm - All Ages Where Copper Box Arena (map) Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London E20 3HB London E20 3HB « Back to the...

Micaela in Carmen

Rehearsals are underway for my Micaela debut! For the last year I’ve been producing a new production of Carmen to take place at one of the former London 2012 Olympics stadiums, the Copper Box Arena. A collaboration between English Pocket Opera Company and United...
Titania at the Royal Albert Hall

Titania at the Royal Albert Hall

Just took receipt of this beautiful photo from the Royal Albert Hall, English Pocket Opera Company’s new production of Fairy Queen back in 2016. Here I am as Titania, wish I could have kept the wings…

Mimi in La Boheme

Who Mimi in La Boheme When Saturday, March 30, 2019 7:30pm - All Ages Where artsdepot (map) 5 Nether St Tally Ho Corner London N12 0GA « Back to the...

Mimi in La Bohème

Who Mimi in La Bohème When Friday, March 8, 2019 7:30pm - All Ages Where Stephen Joseph Theatre (map) Westborough, Scarborough North Yorkshire YO11 1JW « Back to the...
Pamela Hay Soprano