The brilliant
Pamela Hay

International Herald Tribune


A fine lyric voice

Opera Magazine
Pamela Hay portrait


Polish-American soprano Pamela Hay was born in New York City and lives in London. She received her Master of Music and Bachelor of Music degrees from the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Baltimore, and her Postgraduate Certificate from the Royal College of Music, London. Pamela won scholarships to the Aspen Music Festival and the Internationale Sommerakademie Mozarteum Salzburg and was the recipient of Peabody’s prestigious Charles M. Eaton Voice Award, the Kathleen and Wallace Hankins Award in Voice and the Azalia Thomas Prize. Pamela was also supported by an HSBC scholarship award and Pamela Litman for her work with British Youth Opera. Master classes include those of Barbara Bonney, Philip Langridge and Malcolm Martineau… more


Pamela started teaching while a Master of Music student, when Professor Thomas Grubb appointed her to the coveted position of Teaching Assistant at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore.

The Royal Opera House Covent Garden invited her to be a Create and Sing Artist for their Create and Sing Programme, delivering opera education and teacher training to schools across the U.K. with operas such as Carmen and Hansel and Gretel. The ROH commissioned her to devise the warm-ups for their newest addition, “Create and Sing The Magic Flute,” for which they filmed her presenting the songs and warm-ups in videos available on the ROH website. She was then invited to appear in a live broadcast, presenting the debut of the new “Create and Sing The Magic Flute” nationally to all their partners. The ROH have then invited her to be the singing teacher for the ROH Youth Opera Company, giving individual singing lessons and conducting the full chorus in rehearsals. She supervised the children’s chorus in rehearsal for the main stage production of Cavalleria Rusticana under Sir Antonio Pappano… more

Intensely affecting

Evening Standard

Speaker for British Voice Association

I am very proud to have been invited to speak at the British Voice Association's recent conference day, "Sing Again! Rehabilitating the Singing Voice." My talk was titled "Sustainable Singing in Children: Prevention is the Best Cure," a practical look at some of the...

European Voice Teachers Association

Back from a fabulous weekend in Santander, Spain, for the European Voice Teachers Association (EVTA) Presidents' meeting, held in conjunction with the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVoC) I was proud to represent the U.K. as President of The Association of Teachers...

Chair of AOTOS

I am happy to share that I have started a new position as Chair of the Association of Teachers of Singing (AOTOS). It is an honour to lead this esteemed organisation, particularly as we enter our 50th anniversary year. I am grateful for this opportunity to continue...

New website and brand launch for AOTOS

The Association of Teachers of Singing are proud to announce the launch of our new branding and new website! Our core values at AOTOS are Collaboration, Inclusivity, and Curiosity, and we wanted our new website and brand to reflect who we are today in the 21st...

Teaching for ROH

The Royal Opera House asked me to convert the 5-week online course "Healthy Singing for Teachers" into a 3-week in-person course for the first time, and deliver it to our partners in Thurrock. I've just finished delivering it to the excellent teachers of the Christus...

Onstage at the Royal Opera House

On 14 June I presented and narrated The Magic Flute onstage at the Royal Opera House. Alongside Jonathan Ainscough, the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House and Southbank Sinfonia under conductor Richard Hetherington, we led 1300 children singing Mozart's music...

Royal Opera at Bristol Beacon

Fabulous photographer Giulia Spadafora, has just sent me her photos of the workshop day that the Royal Opera House held at the Bristol Beacon. Director Sarah Tipple and I came to the Bristol Beacon in January to present the Royal Opera House Create and Sing resources,...

Hosting AOTOS Seminar

I was proud to host Joanna Tomlinson, Principal Conductor of the National Youth Choir, in a practical talk entitled "Conducting for Singing Teachers" for the Association of Teachers of Singing. Joanna led us through a practical session of conducting technique,...

Conducting musicians of the ROH Orchestra

Throwback to last June when I conducted and narrated this big-scale version of the Create and Sing Magic Flute with a massed choir of 400 schoolchildren of the Sutton Music Trust, along with esteemed soloists and the members of the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House....

Arts Emergency mentor

Proud to wear my Arts Emergency badge on my way to met the mentee I've been paired with for the first time. Looking forward to supporting young people getting into a career in the arts.

Designed and Delivered Voice Course for ROH

Very proud to have wrapped co-delivering the 5-week course "Healthy Singing for Teachers" nationally for the Royal Opera House. I co-developed this course as a research-led, evidence-based guide to vocal health, singing technique, and performance anxiety. Aimed at...

Live national broadcast from the Royal Opera House

Here's the set-up for our live national broadcast of our digital Magic Flute from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. I was honoured to be presenting alongside superstar director Louise Bakker, soloists Camilla Kerslake, Natasha Agarwal, and Thomas Chenhall, and...

Leading a session with National Youth Choir

I was honoured to co-lead a practical discussion day with Nicki Kennedy and Richard Edgar-Wilson for the National Youth Choir Fellows, Young Conductors, and Young Composers, as part of the Association of Teachers of Singing partnership with the National Youth Choir....

Debut onstage at Royal Opera House

Pinch me! This was the moment I made my debut on the mainstage of the Royal Opera House, presenting this extraordinary production of The Magic Flute. Jonathan Ainscough and I led from the stage as Richard Hetherington conducted the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House...

Hosting AOTOS seminar

Tonight! I am delighted to host this online talk in my capacity as Chair Elect for the Association of Teachers of Singing. We have invited the fabulous Abigail Mann-Daraz to give a presentation on "Intentional Practice in the Voice Studio", which will discuss how to...

Conducting for Create Day 2023

Honoured to conduct in the Royal Opera House's inaugural Create Day. Create Day brought together thousands of children from all over the U.K., to devise and perform a piece responding to the theme of the UN Convention's Rights of the Child, simultaneously around the...

Presenting at the National Singing Symposium

I was honoured to be able to present at the National Singing Symposium, by Music Education Solutions, this autumn. Working with the fabulous director Sarah Tipple, we led delegates through a whistle-stop tour of how to learn and stage an opera. We worked on music from...

Storytelling Workshops for the ROH

I've been lucky enough to run a series of workshops for the Royal Opera House, teaching children how to be opera directors. Having toured these to Doncaster and Rotherham, these latest workshops were for the children of Tees Valley Music Service in North Yorkshire....

Teaching for the Royal Opera House

2024 has started with a bang! I've just finished running my first two cpd workshops of the year for the Royal Opera House, and off to run my third tomorrow, in Bristol. The music of The Magic Flute is the perfect way to start the year! Photo by Veronika Ward.

Counselling Skills for Singing Teachers

Lovely thing to start my 2024: returning home to my certificate on completing the excellent “Counselling Skills for Singing Teachers” course by Vocal Health Education.This rigorous course, run by the brilliant Sarah Carcillo, has challenged me and developed my...
Pamela Hay Soprano